Success Animations

Brief: A massive company initiative at Zendesk has been improving the onboarding experience. Our Product Design team had been working hard on redesigning the onboarding experience and breaking down the content into distinct chapters. Then Brand, Product, and Content Design got together to create success animations that would play when the user completes each chapter.

Outcome: In 2020, we didn’t have an official in-product illustration style so we had to lean into the core brand – which was shapes. It was important to us not to patronize our users with gratuitous praise. The concept for the first few chapters was to convey a sense of progression. Our hero (the green ball), makes their way through grey obstacles that light up on touch. For the final chapter, you see a trophy-like celebration as the green ball reaches their destination.

My role: Art Director, Designer

Frame 749.png
Frame 748.png